Thursday, May 7, 2015

                                 Descriptive Essay                                

    For me, winter break is the most enjoyable 3 weeks of vacation. the one thing that I do every winter break is what makes me treasure the holidays. New Year's Eve and New Year's Day to Koreans is more than just counting down the seconds left and having a BBQ on New Year's Day. In fact, New Year's Day is the important holiday that stands amongst the rest. Every year it changes, but overall it is the same process.

     On New Year's Eve we would go to our great uncle's house up in the valley. Although it was winter, it was surprisingly warm. From where I live, it takes my family about an hour to reach my uncle's mansion. Once inside, we would simply disperse and keep ourselves occupied until dinner. I would first watch the koi fish inside their indoor pond as I touched the frigid water. Once I get bored watching the koi fish, I would go to the entertainment room where my sister usually was. We would watch movies and play Monopoly. We would play Monopoly over the course of several hours until all the family members have arrived.

     You would never believe how loud the kitchen becomes preparing for New Year's Eve dinner. You could hear everybody shouting as pots and pans were banging on the tile counter and stove. In fact, it was so crowded and cramped that the people who were not cooking were not allowed to step foot into the kitchen. The one time I went into the kitchen, I heard the sound of crinkling plastic bags and witnessed fresh heads of cabbage still wet and fresh. The smell was unbelievable though! Smells of brisket and kimchi escaped the kitchen and into our noses. The fact that we were not allowed to go into the kitchen was the most painful experience the whole family had to bear.

     Those who were not cooking decided to wait in the backyard to not be tempted to steal any food. The backyard is the most beautiful part of the house in my opinion. My Great Uncle's dogs, Champ and Bandit, who were both Golden Retrievers would always welcome us with wagging tails and licks to the hand. There is a rather small jacuzzi really meant just for the adults. There is also a ginormous pool that takes up over half the backyard. This pool is armed with a diving board at the deep end and a water slide put to the side of the ten-foot deep pool. Considering the fact that I can't swim, I would always stay at the shallow part of the pool. Every time I touch the water, the chill always run down my spine. The water was so cold, for a few minutes, I couldn't feel my toes. To the left of the pool there is a very pleasant looking passage that is covered with leaves so lime green light will always bleed through the leaves. If you looked up, there are intertwining sticks running along the passage. I recall that there was a dove nest in the passage since it was a very easy home, considering how there are already sticks for the nest.

    When the preparations for dinner was finally over, the kids would be pushing each other just to enter the aroma-filled room. We would have the best dinner of the whole year; cooked meat, rice, lettuce, and other very delicious treats. We would then just relax until the countdown has ended. The adults would then celebrate with wine and the minors would celebrate with sparkling apple cider.

    On New Year's Day, we would wake up and head back up to our great uncle's house. We would wait several hours until everyone arrives. We would then start what we would do every year; everyone would respect their elders and parents. Once they have finished giving their respects, the elders would then say some advice on what they should improve on this year, then give them some money as a good luck charm. Personally, this is my favorite part of the whole thing; since I don't get an allowance, just lunch money everyday this is a good opportunity to make money. That is why I enjoy winter break more than any other vacation.